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Famous Life Quotes | By Mwanandeke Kindembo
These quotes can be found in the following books below:
“The Hidden Secret of Quotes”, “Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism” & “Resistance To Intolerance”
Mwanandeke Kindembo.
“A society where emotions come last and selfishness is considered blessed, or placed first before anything; cannot be expected to produce good fruits!”
“A single farmer can feed the whole town, but no one will ever notice his death. Except when they are feeling hungry again. That’s the nature and ingratitude of humanity.”
“Adulthood is within the mind and not in age.”
“All the holy scriptures are useless without people having faith into their hearts.”
“Almost every prophet fought against Capitalism. But all the religions are becoming pro-Capitalism.”
“Anybody who wishes to go beyond the free-will of another person is already practising narcissistic characteristics.”
“Bless yourself first before expecting God to bless you.”
“Change is good only when you know yourself.”
“Confidence is similar to luck. You can’t hold it forever at your service!”